It's best to share Todd's own words:
It all started on a flight out of Denver with what appeared to be another “what’s old is new again” business book. Something was different this time. This book asked the toughest question… "So what?"
It hit me hard - we weren’t doing anything different, anything that mattered.
It became so obvious…be "Better for Kids".
Deep down we all really want what’s "Better" for kids. So it became our charter to establish a vendor/customer relationship that’s really a partnership based on addressing the needs of kids. It has to be far more than just juice, toilet paper and green beans. Being
Better for Kids meant putting them first. It meant creating a new standard for us and embarking on initiatives designed to impact childhood issues ranging from obesity to illiteracy.
Some of our initiatives come under the heading “Better for You”, so you can be
Better for Kids. The goal is simple; help centers become profitable advocates for our children.
"Better for Kids", a slogan?
NO, it’s a movement- Join Us!